How to Reap the Most Benefits From Laser Hair Removal

Painless laser hair removal treatments typically give excellent results for patients looking to thin out or totally rid their body of unwanted hair. This hair removal can occur in specific places like the underarms, legs, bikini area, chest, and back, to name a few. Several factors come into play when it comes to gaining the best benefits from your laser hair removal procedure, ranging from the actual laser center you choose to your behaviors leading up to your appointment.

It makes sense to go into a laser hair removal appointment well-informed and totally prepared. Here are some tips to help ensure you get the most benefits from your treatment to adequately account for the laser hair removal costs.

Get a Complimentary Consultation First

Visiting a prospective laser treatment center for a complimentary consultation affords many benefits in preparing you for your procedure. First, it allows you to see the center firsthand, which enables you to get an idea of the facility’s attention to cleanliness and patient safety. Second, a consultation also potentially introduces you to the licensed medical professional who will perform your treatment. Third, it allows you the chance to ask as many questions as you need to feel prepared and comfortable. Finally, the consultation allows the practitioner to confirm you are indeed a good candidate for successful laser hair removal.

Follow All Pretreatment Guidelines

Adequately preparing for your treatment helps ensure successful results. Here are some key elements of your pre-treatment plan:

  • Avoid waxing, tweezing, plucking, epilating, or electrolysis treatments for six weeks leading up to your appointment. (Shave as often as you like.)
  • Avoid sun exposure for the six weeks leading into treatment, as well. Sun tanning can change the pigment of the skin, which may cause slight complications for the laser.
  • Within 48 hours of your scheduled appointment, shave the area to be treated with a brand-new razor to remove hair from above the surface of the skin.

Conduct Post-Treatment Care

Following your laser hair removal treatment, be sure to practice any self-care steps as outlined for you by your medical professional. Continue to avoid sun exposure and wear sunscreen when you do go outside. Apply moisturizers as needed. You may also wish to try cool compresses if your skin is swollen.

Schedule and Attend Follow-up Sessions as Prescribed

To give your laser hair removal procedure the greatest chance of success, be sure to attend all sessions in the series to eliminate unwanted hair when it is in its growth cycle. Typically six to ten sessions are needed to adequately address all the hair in a particular area. Continue to observe the pre-treatment requirements in between sessions to ensure the best possible results.

Pay Attention to New Growth

After the sessions have concluded, watch your treated areas for new growth. At times, some hairs that have been dormant may become active, growing even though you’ve had all the hair in this field removed. If they were not actively in a growth cycle during treatment, the laser would not have been able to reach these particular hairs. It is normal and natural that this may happen from time to time, usually around a year after sessions conclude, if at all.

If you notice this new growth after you’ve had laser hair removal, it’s time to get in touch with your treatment office.

Body Details True Laser Hair and Tattoo Removal has the only cosmetic laser clinics offering a completely free lifetime guarantee on laser hair removal treatments, promptly addressing any new growth at no cost to you. Our clinics offer laser hair removal in South Florida with convenient appointment times on nights, weekends, and regular daytime hours. Schedule a free consultation and learn about laser hair removal and what to expect during treatment from a laser expert!