Laser Leg Hair Removal FAQ

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    If you are tired of the drudgery of shaving or waxing your legs, there is a simple and effective solution: laser hair removal. Laser leg hair removal is safe, thorough, and can save you money over time. At Body Details True Laser® Centers, our medical professionals have performed tens of thousands of leg hair removal sessions — it’s one of our most popular treatments. These are the questions laser-hair removal candidates most frequently ask our staff.

    How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

    Laser hair removal targets the root of the hair follicle below the skin. The laser emits wavelengths of light that are absorbed by the pigment of the hair, also known as the melanin. The hair shaft absorbs all of the laser energy and is destroyed. Because hair grows at different rates, it’s necessary to repeat the treatment several times to achieve the desired results.

    Is Laser Leg Hair Removal Painful?

    Leg skin has a disproportionately high number of nociceptors, which means that you feel pain more intensely than other areas of the body. While some individuals experience minor discomfort while receiving leg laser hair removal, it is universally considered to be far less painful than waxing. Most people describe the sensation of the laser to be similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin. At Body Details, our lasers have a cryogen spray that is emitted with each pulse of the laser to keep you comfortable before, during, and after your hair removal session.

    What Should I Do to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal?

    We recommend shaving 24 to 48 hours prior to laser hair removal to avoid skin irritation. However, you should not wax for at least two weeks prior to treatment so we can target the hairs beneath the skin. Additionally, avoid depilatory creams at least one week before treatment. Before coming in for your leg hair laser removal session, you should avoid applying lotions or creams. Do not tan ahead of your session.

    What Should I Do After a Laser Hair Removal Session?

    Don’t moisturize the area for 24 hours after your treatment. To avoid irritation, stay out of the sun and don’t go swimming for a few days. Don’t shave or wax the treated area.

    What Type of Laser Do You Use for Hair Removal?

    Body Details uses the GentleMax Pro True Laser Class IV. This is the most powerful laser in its class approved by the FDA. This particular laser combines a 755 nm Alexandrite laser with a 1064 nm ND: YAG laser to allow for the safest and most efficacious treatment of any skin type.

    Why Is Laser Hair Removal Better Than Waxing?

    Waxing works by gripping the exposed part of the hair and pulling it up from the root. Because of this, it’s necessary to allow the hair to grow long enough for the wax to take hold. Consequently, you’ll have a few days with stubble before you can re-wax. While waxing is a temporary solution to leg hair, lasting about two to three weeks, laser hair removal takes care of the problem permanently. Once you’re finished with your final session, you don’t have to worry about leg hair anymore. Body Details offers free touchups for laser hair removal patients for life under the written terms of our free lifetime guarantee. So you never have to worry about your leg hair growing back.

    Why Is Laser Hair Removal Better Than Shaving?

    Shaving involves cutting away exposed hair from the surface of the skin. Because hair continually grows unless you destroy the root, your leg hair will begin showing again within a day or two of shaving. That means to achieve continuous smoothness, you have to shave every two or three days. This is an investment of both time and money that offers only intermittent results. Additionally, laser hair removal eliminates the possibility of you nicking your legs.

    Does Laser Hair Removal Work on Dark Skin?

    Yes, dark skin and hair are often different from a laser hair removal standpoint, but our lasers can be calibrated for both dark and light skin. Body Details True Laser® Centers uses the GentleMax Pro True Laser Class IV. This device combines a 1064 nm ND: YAG laser and a 755 nm alexandrite laser. It’s adjustable based on skin type and can be calibrated depending on the thickness and location of the hair. For dark skin, the laser is calibrated to penetrate down to the capillaries that are feeding the follicle without damaging the surrounding skin.

    How Many Sessions Does It Take for Laser Hair Removal?

    While you will notice results after the first session, it can take 5 to 10 sessions before your legs achieve the permanent smoothness you’re seeking. You must weight a minimum of 8 weeks between sessions to allow more hair follicles to move into the treatable growth phase. A medical professional will outline your course of treatments.

    What Does Laser Hair Removal for Legs Cost?

    Body Details True Laser® Centers have frequent specials for laser leg hair removal. While laser hair removal is generally slightly more expensive than the average price of a salon waxing, the results are permanent so that you can save a fortune in waxing and razors in the long term. Our packages are all-inclusive, and we have financing options, so you don’t have to worry about coming up with the money for each session. With interest free financing, monthly payments are often identical to the cost of a waxing session.

    Body Details True Laser® Centers of Florida

    At Body Details, all of our facilities are staffed by licensed medical professionals, including physician assistants (PAs) or Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) who have been trained to operate our medical lasers. You will have a medical professional with you during the entire session. We have performed thousands of laser hair removal sessions in our Florida facilities. Contact a Body Details True Laser® Center near you and schedule a free initial consultation today.

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