Is Laser Skin Rejuvenation Right For You?

Laser skin rejuvenation is the hottest beauty trend, and for good reason. Aside from successfully removing the signs of aging and other skin imperfections, clients require little or no downtime after their laser treatments.

In fact, it can be easily done on a lunch break. This is accomplished by using the nonablative lasers, which are able to target damaged areas of the skin deep within the layers without damaging the skin’s surface. The results are amazing, and the best part is, no one has to know you’ve gotten anything done! Before you run to your local laser clinic for your first treatment, decide if laser skin rejuvenation is right for you.

You Have Skin Imperfections

Candidates for laser skin rejuvenation need to have some kind of imperfection that requires treating. These laser treatments are ideal for treating signs of aging including wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and loss of skin elasticity. By targeting damaged skin cells and creating microscopic wounds, the body naturally replaces these cells with new, flawless skin cells. Laser skin rejuvenation can not only target the damaged skin cells that are creating these aging qualities, but they can also encourage collagen production. As we age, our collagen production significantly slows down and eventually stops altogether in our early thirties. Regardless of how old a client is, laser rejuvenation can encourage collagen production either to completely revive production years after it has stopped or to ensure collagen production doesn’t slow down too much. When collagen production increases, the skin gets back much of its elasticity, and wrinkles and fine lines are less visible.

In addition to reducing signs of aging, laser skin rejuvenation can be used to treat other skin imperfections. This includes severe acne marks, hyperpigmentation or discoloration, sun spots, large pores, freckles, and scars. Many of these imperfections are eliminated by targeting the pigment within the skin cells with the laser. This then breaks the pigment of the scar or mark into millions of tiny pieces, making it easier for the body’s natural waste system to discard them, and leaving the client with flawless skin.

You’ve Tried Other Methods

Even though laser skin rejuvenation is a fairly inexpensive noninvasive procedure, it shouldn’t be considered for minor skin problems that can be treated with simpler solutions. Usually, clients have tried other methods such as creams, serums, and chemical peels to perfect their skin before walking into a laser clinic. If other methods have failed to provide clients with the results they’re looking for, then laser skin rejuvenation is probably right for them.

You Have Existing Skin Conditions

While many clients seek out laser skin rejuvenation treatments to eliminate their rosacea and acne marks, if these skin conditions are active, then your licensed medical laser technician will likely recommend that you wait until the skin has cleared up before receiving any laser treatments. This is due to the fact that the laser can provoke irritation and other side effects that certainly aren’t worth the risk. After the skin condition has cleared up, laser skin rejuvenation treatments will be possible.

You’re Looking To Treat Stretch Marks

While there are contradicting beliefs in regards to how well treating stretch marks with laser skin rejuvenation works, many laser clinics claim that their clients have seen results. As it’s a difficult procedure, not all laser clinics or laser technicians are qualified to provide the best results. It’s for this reason that it’s best to research the laser clinics in your area and find reviews from past clients who have had a similar treatment done. Similar to scars, stretch marks are caused by the sudden stretching of the skin either due to growth spurts, weight gain, pregnancy, or muscle gain. Most clients see that their stretch marks have grown duller and less noticeable after laser treatments. Those with fresh stretch marks make for the best candidates.

You Suffer From Severe Acne Scars

The two most common types of severe acne scars are atrophic and hypertrophic scars, both of which destroy the surface of the skin and are nearly impossible to cover up. Far worse than the average acne mark, atrophic scars will appear on the skin as dents or divots while hypertrophic scars appear as lumps on the skin’s surface. Both of these scars are caused by collagen’s reaction to the damaged skin cells. When atrophic scars form, collagen is missing from the area. Hypertrophic scars are the exact opposite, as an excess amount of collagen forms in the area after damage occurs, giving the skin an uneven appearance.

Those who suffer from either kind of acne scar make excellent candidates for laser skin rejuvenation, as it is the only solution to this imperfection. Lasers are able to target the damaged skin cells, creating microscopic wounds within the layers of the skin. As the body naturally heals the skin, the damaged skin cells are replaced by healthy new ones, ultimately leaving the client with healthy, smoother looking skin.

Paul A. Boulos
Dr. Paul A. Boulos is an excellent and versatile cosmetic surgeon, passionate about his vocation and helping others. Dr. Boulos is an alumni of Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine and completed his General Surgery training at Inspira Medical in Southern New Jersey. He studied and learn under Dr. Joseph Castellano, one of the premier breast and body Cosmetic Surgeons in South Florida. He currently works as a Cosmetic Surgeon at Jolie Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL.
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Paul A. Boulos