Categories: Tattoo Removal

Easiest Parts of The Body to Have Tattoo Removal


Got a tattoo that no longer thrills you like it once did? Hoping to get that unfortunate ink out of your life for good? Chances are you can accomplish this goal, though some places on the body are easier than others.

Laser Tattoo Removal Clinic

Call or visit one of our laser and aesthetic centers for more information. Let’s take a look at some places from which you might want to get a tattoo removed.


The back, chest and stomach are among the easiest places to get a tattoo removed from. Because these areas are close to your heart, they benefit from good circulation and faster removal than tattoos on the extremities. It’s usually not too tricky to de-ink your torso. If you’re ready to reclaim bare skin, this is a good place to start and test out how laser tattoo removal works for you.


Especially as a guy, it’s hard to hide your neck. This area isn’t as fast as the torso, but still responds very well to laser tattoo removal. Fortunately, the tattoo will begin to fade after even just a few treatments making it less and less visible over time.

Wrists and Ankles, Hands and Feet

These areas take the longest to get tattoos removed from, because circulation is poor. Tattoos, with and without colors, on these areas can still be removed provided you undergo enough sessions (anywhere between one and 15, depending on the tattoo).

Your Arms and Legs

Though not as fast as removing tattoos from the torso, tattoos on the arms and legs are still easier to remove than those on the extremities like ankles, feet, hands and wrists. Circulation is still strong here, however, tattoos that are layered or use green or yellow ink may pose difficulties and require more treatments on these areas.

Your Face

Okay, most people don’t have face tattoos, but boy can this be a job killer. Or a relationship killer. The truth is, while tattoos are becoming more and more mainstream, ink on your face sends a signal that most people in society simply still aren’t comfortable with. If you’d like to move past the stigma, this is a good place to start your tattoo removal journey. While it’s not as easy as the back or chest, it’s possible to remove a tattoo from almost anywhere.

If you’re interested in learning more about laser tattoo removal and reside in the South Florida area, head to the nearest Body Details True Laser Hair & Tattoo Removal laser clinic. We have certified medical laser technicians on staff, so your skin will be in the best hands. As the only laser clinic that offers its clients a lifetime guarantee, Body Details provides all of its clients with ideal results. Schedule your free consultation now by visiting the Body Details website or calling 866-708-8645.

Claudio Sorrentino
A born entrepreneur, innovative thinker, and growth strategist with broad-based expertise in operations, finance, and business development, Claudio Sorrentino founded Body Details. Claudio has been featured across several media channels as expert opinion and sought-after commentator on the topic of laser services and donates time speaking at universities and high schools promoting entrepreneurship.
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Claudio Sorrentino