Categories: Laser Hair Removal

Does Laser Hair Removal Work on Darker Skin Tones?

Everyone should be able to experience the beautiful, smooth, and lifelong results of laser hair removal, especially if they have been feeling self-conscious about their body hair. Certain hair and skin types are easier to treat than others, but this doesn’t mean you can’t be treated.

How Laser Hair Removal Works

Have you ever wondered how does laser hair removal work? In a laser hair removal procedure, a laser beam shoots concentrated light into the hair follicles. Pigments in the hair absorb the light and are singed, which destroys the hair and surrounding root. From there, the hair is unable to grow back.

Because the laser focuses on pigment, the easiest hair and skin combination to treat is light skin with dark hair. However, if you have dark skin and hair, don’t worry — medical professionals have successfully treated many darker-skinned clients and helped their beautiful skin shine through.

Working with Darker Skin Tones

Those with darker skin tones have different issues to consider when undergoing a laser hair removal procedure. The reason laser hair removal is riskier with darker skin tones is because the skin is highly pigmented along with the hair, so it can be challenging for the laser to be focused on the hair alone. Additionally, people with darker skin tend to have coarser hair than women with lighter skin, so a higher frequency laser is necessary to successfully target the hair. Do your research ahead of time to ensure that whatever laser clinic you choose treats all skin tones and hair types individually as opposed to a one-size-fits-all approach.

When it comes to clients with darker skin, some lasers have the potential to burn the skin if the laser hair removal technician is not careful. There are, however, certain medical grade multi-wavelength True Lasers available for those who have darker skin tones. These long-pulsed lasers detects the contrast between your skin color and hair pigment to remove the hair safely and effectively. True Lasers make laser hair removal for dark skin tones a more precise procedure and minimize risk to your skin.

Steer Clear of Intense Pulsed Light

Be wary of clinics that claim to offer laser hair removal but use an inferior device known as Intense Pulsed Light (or IPL) Laser. While these beauty grade devices are cheaper to purchase, they will only stunt hair growth temporarily, and the hair will come back eventually. This will ultimately cost you more in time and money, and you will not achieve the permanent results that you would get with clinical laser hair removal.

Lasers Offer Permanent Hair Removal

After five to ten sessions with the appropriate laser, 90 percent of patients report permanent hair loss. That means that, regardless of your skin and hair type, you will likely experience the beautiful results you’re hoping for.

If you’re looking for laser hair removal near you, you can count on us. At Body Details True Laser Hair and Tattoo Removal our certified medical laser specialists are experienced in treating all skin hair colors with our True Laser technology. Learn more about laser hair removal and what to expect from our pros. Set up your free consultation today or give us a call at 866-708-8645.

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South Florida's Leading Provider of Laser Hair Removal, Tattoo Removal and Skin Rejuvenation Services. Schedule a Free Consultation Today!
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