The Most Effective Way to Treat Skin Discoloration

If you are struggling with skin discoloration, laser treatment may be just what you need to restore your skin to its rightful glow. There are many common causes of skin discoloration, yet not many simple ways to treat the condition. Drugstore creams and spa treatments may fall short of expectations and can cost a fortune over time. Laser skin treatment, though, is often an effective way to address skin discoloration. Not only can it solve issues you currently have but it can keep your skin looking radiant and young well into the future.

Laser Treatment for Skin Discoloration

Laser treatment works by targeting only the specific skin cells that require treatment, without harming the surrounding cells. Treatment can address discoloration that results from sunspots, liver marks, freckles, rosacea, acne scarring, and much more. Your treatment plan will depend on the cause of your skin discoloration, the size of the area you are treating, and the specific location on your body.

Additionally, your skin’s level of sensitivity is taken into account as each person responds to laser treatment differently. Some individuals undergo laser treatment for skin discoloration one time, while others make laser treatment part of their routine beauty regimen and schedule annual laser facials. It’s a deeply personal experience and here at Body Details we do what works best for you as an individual.

Causes of Skin Discoloration

There are many different causes of skin discoloration. Laser treatment works to address your unique condition. You may have a birthmark that results in skin discoloration that is either red, pink, white, or brown in color. Additionally, there are several types of acne scars that can leave marks behind after your blemishes go away.

Rosacea is another common cause of skin discoloration. It is a chronic condition and many people see it recur throughout their lives. The signature mark of rosacea is a permanently flushed appearance with red or pink splotches on the face. If you haven’t seen results from your dermatologist or over-the-counter cream for skin discoloration, laser treatment may be right for you.

The most common causes of skin discoloration include:

  • Birthmarks
  • Freckles
  • Acne scars
  • Rosacea
  • Sun spots and liver spots
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • And more

Why Choose Laser Treatment?

Laser skin treatment is an excellent option for those struggling with skin discoloration. Since only medical professionals perform laser treatment here at Body Details, you will be under the best care the entire time. Laser treatment has many benefits compared to over-the-counter and even prescription creams and medications as well as med spas.

1) Benefits Compared to Creams and Medication

First, over-the-counter and prescription creams and medications are generally a one-size-fits all approach, whereas laser treatment is highly individualized. Your laser treatment plan will not be the same as any other individual’s and you can rest assured that the treatment you are receiving is tailored just for you. Many things are taken into account when developing your laser treatment plan. With over-the-counter and prescription medications you often lack this ability to customize treatment. The cream or the pill you get will be the same as that given to another individual. But you are not the same as anyone else–you are you. You deserve treatment that’s developed for your unique body and needs.

2) Benefits Compared to Spa Treatments

Additionally, many individuals turn to spa treatments such as standard facials to treat skin discoloration. However, these treatments are not performed by medical professionals. Additionally, the treatments are not designed specifically to address skin discoloration. While you may see a slight improvement or a decrease in symptoms, spa treatments don’t treat your skin discoloration at the source the way laser treatment does.

3) Qualified Laser Specialists

Perhaps one of the largest differentiating factors of seeking skin discoloration laser treatment is that at Body Details we are True Laser Specialists. Only an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) or Physicians Assistant (PA) will ever touch your skin with a laser.

We use the strongest medical-grade lasers approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration, meaning that you are getting treatment from a professional laser that has been tested and evaluated by a board of scientists and doctors. What med spa can say that?

Our APRNs and PAs undergo extensive training with the medical experts here at Body Details and receive training from the laser manufacturers as well. This all helps us to create truly customized treatment plans that address your unique issues in a way that is both fast and effective.

What to Expect During and after Treatment

Laser treatment for skin discoloration is entirely non-invasive, requires little-to-no downtime and has extremely minimal side effects. Most patients report that the sensation of receiving treatment is similar to that of a rubber band snapping against the skin. We do utilize a cooling technology both prior to and throughout each treatment session to minimize any potential discomfort.

After treatment you should be good to go about your day as usual, no resting required. Side effects are minimal and when they do appear, may present as a slight redness or burning sensation that dissipates very quickly. Speak with your laser specialist who will inform you on the proper steps to take to care for your skin directly after treatment and between each laser treatment session.

Avoid Direct Exposure to Sunlight

We do ask that you avoid direct exposure to sunlight in the two weeks leading up to treatment as sunburn can damage your skin, making it unsafe to perform treatment. We also recommend that you continue to avoid direct sun exposure immediately following treatment as your skin will be at a heightened level of sensitivity.

Laser Treatment Aftercare

It is essential that you properly care for your skin immediately following treatment to promote healing. While we may ask you to abstain from the use of certain beauty and makeup products in the days leading up to your first session, we may also advise that you avoid use of certain products for a period following treatment.

This is because many beauty and makeup products contain harsh chemicals and skin irritants that can aggravate side effects and irritate your skin. Even if a product claims to be “clean” or hypoallergenic, please consult with your Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and our laser specialists for advice on what products to use and which to avoid.

Protecting Your Skin Into the Future

Additionally, we will provide you with comprehensive instructions for how to care for your skin well into the future to minimize the chances of skin discoloration returning. Of course, should you like to make laser skin treatment part of your regular beauty routine speak with our specialists to develop a continuing care plan. You may wish to return for laser facials and laser skin rejuvenation at predetermined intervals throughout the year.

Laser treatment helps your skin produce collagen, which is essential to maintaining elasticity, preventing fine lines and wrinkles, and giving you a more youthful, radiant glow. Not only will laser treatment help the discoloration issues you are struggling with, but it can help give your skin a vibrant refresh, giving you more confidence and helping you to look as young as you feel.

Schedule a FREE Consultation

At Body Details, we provide entirely FREE consultations for laser treatment with no obligation. With extended evening and weekend appointments available, come on in and speak with our laser specialists at a time that works for you. Our laser specialists will examine your skin discoloration and provide you with a projected course of treatment and cost.

From there, if you’re ready to proceed, simply schedule your first laser treatment session and prepare to start seeing results! We will develop your laser treatment plan based on the area of your body you are looking to treat, how sensitive your skin is, how severe your skin discoloration is and the cause of the condition, and more. At Body Details, you can rest assured that you will receive expert treatment by true medical professionals.

Additionally, we offer flexible payment plans for those who qualify. Because we believe that cost should never hold you back from getting the skin of your dreams.

Claudio Sorrentino
A born entrepreneur, innovative thinker, and growth strategist with broad-based expertise in operations, finance, and business development, Claudio Sorrentino founded Body Details. Claudio has been featured across several media channels as expert opinion and sought-after commentator on the topic of laser services and donates time speaking at universities and high schools promoting entrepreneurship.
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Claudio Sorrentino